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Courses currently taught:

  • USC ISE-499, Principles of Systems Engineering.  A new course, introduced in the spring 2016 semester; offered again in the fall 2016 semester. In both semesters, I scored 5.0 out of a possible 5.0 on student evaluations (“overall rating for the instructor”).
  • The above -499 class has now been transitioned by the ISE faculty to become a regular undergraduate course (called ISE-350), and to become a “pick-list” item for both of the existing undergraduate focus groups. I have since taught this ISE-350 course several times.  Syllabus.
  • USC ISE-315, Engineering Project Management. Taught for the first time in the fall 2017 semester. I scored 4.93 out of a possible 5.0 on student evaluations (“overall rating for the instructor”); in subsequent semesters, I score 5.0 out of a possible 5.0 on student evaluations.  Syllabus.
  • USC ISE-599, Methods and research opportunities in large, complex systemsSyllabus.

Courses formerly taught:

  • USC ENG-499, Managing Your Engineering Career.  Team-taught with Professor Donald Paul and Professor Julie Albright – Fall 2013 and Spring 2014.  Scored 4.53 out of a possible 5.0 on student evaluations.
  • UCLA ENG-201 — master’s degree course, Systems Engineering.  Student evaluation: